Rose Fertiliser

from $11.25

Rose fertiliser is specially formulated for roses and high in Potash to encourage vigorous growth and high quality blooms over a long season. Rose Fertiliser prevents yellowing of leaves or the developing of small leaves that drop off prematurely.

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Rose fertiliser is specially formulated for roses and high in Potash to encourage vigorous growth and high quality blooms over a long season. Rose Fertiliser prevents yellowing of leaves or the developing of small leaves that drop off prematurely.

Rose fertiliser is specially formulated for roses and high in Potash to encourage vigorous growth and high quality blooms over a long season. Rose Fertiliser prevents yellowing of leaves or the developing of small leaves that drop off prematurely.

N = Nitrogen (5) Nitrogen generates rich, thick green growth in all plants.
P = Phosphorus: (5) Phosphorus stimulates quick seed growth, root formation and quickens maturity.
K = Potassium: (11) The “Plant Medicine” – Protects against disease, maintaining overall plant health and also promotes strong flower growth.
Mg = Magnesium: (1.5) Necessary for the production of chlorophyll, remedy for magnesium deficiencies (yellowing of mature leaves with white stripes between leaf veins) and is ideal for plants with a magnesium requirement.

How to use Rose Fertiliser

Thoroughly water your roses before planting. Dig a hole a little deeper than the length of the bag the rose came in and twice as wide. Mix a table spoon of Rose Fertiliser with Compost and some soil at the bottom of the hole.
Place the rose in the hole and put soil in until half way up the root zone. Spread ½ a cup (100g) of Rose Fertiliser per square metre around the plant, rake in and water well.

Apply ½ cup (100g) per square metre in early spring and a further application after spring flowering. Apply again in late summer when the final flush of blooms is developing. After application, rake Rose Fertiliser into soil and water well.

NOTE: Roses are deep rooted so watering must penetrate to the lowest roots. Avoid overhead watering.

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